Any business entity with an active OCBC SGD current account that also meets the criteria set out below can apply:
• It is registered and incorporated in Singapore with a valid UEN issued by ACRA and is of one of the following business entity types: Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, Limited Partnership, Limited Liability Partnership and Companies;
• It has at least 30% local shareholding / ownership;
• The group’s annual sales turnover does not exceed S$100 million OR group employment size is not more than 200 employees;
• It is a first time applicant to the Start Digital Pack (and has not applied for the Start Digital Pack with any other Start Digital partners);
• It is not currently using an identical solution to the one that it is intending to sign up for under this Start Digital Pack.
Other eligibility criteria apply. Please refer to the full terms and conditions on the OCBC Start Digital website.
The application form must be submitted by the director / owner / shareholder / managing partner / sole proprietor of the business entity.